Monday, January 10, 2005

Drop/Add, Part 2

The 3L word
I have now dropped and added 6 different courses. I have 4 courses I am definitely taking. Really, it's all about the Wild Card Fifth Class -- WCFC, for short. I just dropped a course that I plan on taking (Crim Pro), so that I could add another course without dropping my coveted Public Interest class. Which I don't even want to take, because it meets at 9 am on Monday morning. Ugh. There must be medication I could take for this.

I'm mostly waiting for a professor to email me back with the details about an independent research I want to do with him. He's teaching a seminar on the First Amendment, but I've taken a similar version of the course (with an exam instead of a research paper), so I can't take it as a seminar. Ill-thought-out policy, I think. The school offers ONE COURSE on the First Amendment. I mean, I know we haven't broken the Top 50 in the rankings yet (though alumni have been assuring me for 3 years that it's imminent....), but it'd be nice if we could balance out the emphasis on practical application with some more theoretical-based classes. Like, for example, an upper-level First Amendment class (and by that I mean Free Speech, not Free Exercise or Establishment Clause).

Anyway, I'm paranoid that the professor has changed his mind after reading my exam. Which is anonymous anyway, so I'm really approaching conspiracy theory. Seriously, medication suggestions, anyone?
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