Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mens Rea 5.5 Days Before the Bar: Nauseous

I'm not sure what happened today, but I am now permanently vomitous. As in, I want to vomit. All the time.

The day started off well enough: lots of PMBR MBE questions, and I'm actually within the passing range, which feels a little like Christmas in July to me.

But tonight, after dinner, I realized that one week from now, I would be finished with the Pennslvania bar exam and on my way to New Jersey for Day #3. And that's when I reached for the Pepto-Bismol.

And then bargaining begins. "Please, God, please let me pass. I'll do anything. I'll go to temple/church/mosque every Saturday/Sunday/daily. I'll make sure and do lots of pro bono hours. I'll donate regularly to charity. I'll help the poor. I'll use my lawyering for good, not evil. I'll not gloat when the Yankees are in first place."

Please. Just let me pass.
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