Sunday, July 17, 2005

Last Call

I went to, perhaps, my last big social event before the bar exam tonight. It was worth it and I'm glad I made the time to go. I've never laughed so hard.

It felt good to be among regular people (skewed toward attorneys), laughing and drinking and talking and doing the things that regular people usually do. My life feels out of whack right now, and even though I know it's short-lived, and for a good cause, it's still tough to go through, especially during the summer.

Summertime is for going out. For drinking. For laughing. For being outside and walking around the city. For hanging out with friends, for meeting new people, for flirting, for reconnecting after the long winter. For dancing. For talking. For being around the energy that is particular to the summer, the stay-up-late, stays-light-til-9, warm-outside-don't-need-a-jacket weather.

For so long, I have planned to go someplace exotic after the bar, someplace I've never been, a big, giant-once-in-a-lifetime trip. My ex-partner and I talked a lot about going to Italy, and after she broke up with me, I thought that I might still go by myself. But right now, I like the idea of just driving around the U.S., and staying close to home, seeing people I like and love who I have seen far too little of in the last 3 years. Seeing people who make me laugh and who I feel connected with. I think that might be what I want to look forward to most after the bar exam.
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