Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Random Quotes You Can Buy in a Packet at CVS

I have no idea what this quote means, but for some reason, it made me laugh. I mean, I guess I do sort of know what it means, but, well, it's not particularly profound or thought-provoking, and, I think it's funny.

Clearly, I have a low threshold for funny these days.

Life is short and the world is wide.
-Simon Raven

I mean, what the hell is that about? I think I am going to start manufacturing my own profound quotes. Like:

Sleep with the cows and wake up in the hay.


Run with the horses and step in manure.


Fetch eggs from the hen house and end up with the chickens.

Ok. Whatever. They may or may not be funny. Cut me some slack. The bar, remember?
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