Friday, May 06, 2005

I will not miss final exams...

but really, I prefer them to final papers!

Theoretically, I love to write. Or, perhaps, I love to say that I'm a writer. Or I love to have written. But the actual process of writing? Well, that pretty much goes something like this:

* Watch some random television show, staring blankly at the screen and trying to ignore the fact that my final paper of my final course of my final semester of my final year of law school is due in a scant few days.

* Eat everything in the house. This might include (in an illustrative, not exhaustive list): chocolate pudding, frosted mini-wheats, tomato soup, fresca, some weird non-dairy ice cream, more fresca, orange juice, apple, organic version of chef-boy-ar-dee spaghetti-o's, and an English muffin.

* Turn up my iPod and sing "Up Around the Bend" at the top of my lungs in an effort to find my "inner motivation."

* Stare blankly at the television.

*Read the newspaper.

* Check email.

* Check email.

* Check email.

* Update blog.


You get the idea, don't you? This twisting in the wind is, well, really pretty torturous. There really must be a better way.
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