Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Poopie Pope

Well, the bell tolled and now we've got a guy who chose to name himself after some egg dish. Sigh.

I'm not sure what to say about this (where to begin?). Sadly, my candidacy never got the traction it needed. I think my vagina got in the way.

As for the new Pope, there are two possible glimmers of hope. The first is, of course, his age. Since the average life expectancy of white men in the U.S. is 77.6 (and our Western European counterparts are typically about the same), I figure that he's living on borrowed time. They'll be tapping him with the silver mallet in no time.

The second potential bit of hope is his follow-all-the-rules-or-get-out approach. Fair enough. If you can't follow ALL of the rules that His Popedom bestowed upon you, then you don't belong in the Catholic Church. Or so his thinking goes. I think that's a good idea. Progressive Catholics have been looking the other way on the travesties that Vatican City has bestowed upon them for too long. Maybe if he pushes this point, all of the pro-woman, pro-Choice, pro-homo, pro-euthanasia, pro-birth-control, pro-non-Christian, pro-sexual-abuse-survivor Catholics will leave the Catholic Church, or split off and form their own separate sect of Catholicism. And then maybe, just maybe, Vatican City will keep its paws out of politics and my life.

Related note: Does the Pope uniform have special Pope underwear? Boxers? Briefs? Thong? Special Pope bloomers?
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